Ad fraud presentation at the Sigma conference
Below is a transcript of the presentation made at the iGaming summit in Malta. I want to share this with the marketing community and all the PPC practitioners who work around the clock globally: “It is an honour to be in a room with great people today. In our mobile first digital world, many […]
Epic PPC changes to act on right away
Google rolled out a major change that will affect every business. Chief finance officers should be the ones to take note sooner than later. *HINT: Anyone applying big data to the incrimental increase in CPC that will affect businesses globally would probably head on to become an investor in Google. If you continue PPC conversion […]
Influencer outreach service – guaranteed results
The concept of influencer outreach revolves around native advertising as a branch of content marketing. Influencers are essentially media owners and voices within your industry, or those with a valued opinion about your product and service. We determine “valued” opinion on the basis of expertise (of the influencer) and follower numbers. An expertly written influencer […]
Small brand power and the lessons for big brands
As many consumers are being ignored by big brands, the vacuum is being filled by smaller brands that are observing and hearing what these consumers are looking and demanding. This, as smaller brands with the use of the internet are building powerful connections with their customer base. After all, is this not how Amazon started […]
The current trend toward increasing segmentation
An increasing trend, particularly now, is that of segmentation. This as the digital marketplace is becoming more niche than before. In addition, people looking for a product can find what they are looking for rather easy, more so, if they cannot find that they are looking for nearby then they will buy the product online […]
B2B Programmatic: Precise and accurate targeting
With the rise of programmatic most PPC campaign managers have a good idea on how to re-engage B2B prospects who are already in the funnel, however there is no authoritative solution yet on a full-funnel approach. We’re about to launch a new course at Linkedin Learning on programmatic advertising foundations where I hope to share […]
How to develop an integrated SEO and PPC strategy for e-commence
As marketers we what to get the max out of our digital marketing reach and we can when we use an integrated SEO and PPC approach for our e-commerce campaigns. That sounds like a bit of a contradiction, PPC and SEO combined. They are completely different processes right. Sort of, but they are just two […]
The most important Google update in 2017 is this
Before you try to make sense of Google updates in 2017, let’s work on understanding what’s happening in the world of search. I will start with the most important point: You need to work 100X harder at link building and guest posting. Now all the experts are saying: But that’s not what Barry & Matt […]
Google’s swipe at native advertising: What advertisers and publishers should know
Native advertising can be amazing for your business. If you’re a speed reader needing an executive summary let me briefly say this: “Google Matched Content”, which is an attempt to remain relevant at a time when the market is pivoting towards native advertising, does not work for advertisers nor for publishers. Before backing this up with […]
The perfect marketing mix for ISP’s / web hosting providers
The marketing channels available to web hosting providers are innovative and diverse. Companies that rely too much on their best channel can quickly run into strategic challenges, particularly due to intense competition. Whilst the transition to cloud hosting offers huge growth opportunities, executing a your campaigns across a diverse portfolio is needed for hosting providers […]