First impressions – both online and offline, can make a difference
First impressions – the starting point of successful sales. Guess what – you also have a first impression “online”. Often you have your customer at the point of saying “Hello” – or not as it may be, I’d like you to see what we’re currently discussing here: The Fundamentals of Sales on Globalcademy. 5.1 Within […]
Psychologist in Michigan – marketing consultant case study
Results snapshot: Revenue results: Our client experienced a 400% Revenue increase within 12 months Strategic implications: The goal of consulting with a more diverse client base around the world enabled our client to work from home more and enjoy more frequent travelling, with 70% of his consultations now offered via Skype and e-platforms Client budget: To grow from […]
Business trends for 2016 – what to expect:
Today I would love to share with you just a few thoughts on business trends for 2016. The list could have been longer but limiting my views on marketing and business, here is what to expect: 1. Late adopters will sneak into the mobile APP world: Since mobile traffic surpassed desktop users, a plethora of […]
Buy your competitors’ list from Facebook – why form a partnership?
If we have worked together on any campaign related project, you would have gathered that I am less keen on Facebook Ads because unlike Google which is considered search marketing, Facebook is display advertising. However we should be prepared to make the exception to the rule: And this is precisely where I would start when a client […]
Luxury brand report for China 2016
The USA is the undisputed winner of the luxury consumer market for now. However China is where the industry focus is at right now. In late 2014 I started working on a research project to help luxury brands who seek to expand into China, as well as to advise those who are already there, as […]
Choice architecture on Facebook – navigate the marketing blackhole
Your business should only use Facebook if a credible ROI is in reach – and you know how to navigate the marketing blackhole: When I work with clients to analyse the user-experience of their e-commerce assets, we always look at how to design the choice architecture to allow for maximum conversion. However when we are […]
Cutting edge marketing qualifications: How do Udemy, Lynda, the IDM and CIM rank?
Part of my consulting philosophy is to equip the client with an arsenal of skills that allow greater control and transparency. This reduces the overall marketing cost whilst helping staff to feel more valued. The best part of it? The expense is not even noticable due to the savings the client incur, followed by additional profitability. […]
The art of selling: Combining neuroscience and sales training
After years of working as a sales director and closing some landmark deals, I always wanted to put together a sales course that can make a real difference. Off course after studying the full circle experience, one realize that there are ways that achieve short term goals at a long term cost – and then […]
Why Analytics is your best friend
When I start working with new clients, one of the first things we do is to teach the business owner how to read their website Analytics – most of the time through Google Analytics. This helps the client to see what we do for their business in real time – and retrospectively, enable us to […]
More than 15 Great online mentors
We all learn from others. It is true off course that you are only as smart as the advise you keep. Today I would like to share a list of notable online instructors and authors. As with any professional opinions, you may not agree 100% with all the submissions made by a notable instructor over […]